SillyGloop computer problem cartoons

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India has some of my work when not working :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is SillyGloop?

Silly things about computers that we can laugh about. This is a computer cartoon specifically a computer problem cartoon that is based on computer jokes, internet jokes, hardware jokes, software jokes related to computer humor, internet humor, software humor, hardware humor named SillyGloop

For a categorized view of the images and to drop in comments please visit SillyGloop at

(I welcome comments over there so I can respond to them quickly which I love to do always. Thanks to all those who take the trouble to drop the comments in)

Keep Smiling :)

First posted 9:09 PM IST, 12 July 2005.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blogged verification

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