SillyGloop computer problem cartoons

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India has some of my work when not working :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Now dont be shy and show me the page!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Go to my computer? Sure what's your address

Friday, November 25, 2005

A problem with a firewall - call the fire brigade

Thursday, November 24, 2005

I retyped t-h-e-p-a-s-s-w-o-r-d !!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I did not tie up Internet Explorer!

Open Internet Explorer? I swear I did not tie up anybody on my computer. I am not the one who closed Internet Explorer!

Computer - get me a cab

Is my computer trying to go on a trip somewhere? It says Error generating cab files. Just wondering can you get me a cab?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Hows this for getting hacked?

Someone's trying to hack my computer and I need help immediately. How do I know? An axe just flew past into the wall nearby - thats how! So help please!

A Space Bar for my cocktails?

The Space Bar? I dont see anything like that on my keyboard. If I knew that, I would use it to order all my favorite cocktails. Are the drinks made in space?

Whats a bar of space lawyers doing on my keyboard?

The Space Bar? No I dont see it. Why would they want to have a bar of space lawyers connected to the keyboard. Is there any lawsuit going on?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Is this a problem for US Post?

US Post? I got a message on my computer saying Post operating failed. Is everything ok with the mail delivery? Will my greetings get delivered?

Computer's all at sea!

My computer seems to be at sea. Why? It says all wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. How do I get it back on land now?

Why do I need another mother board?

Really?? I gotta change the mother board for a better display? Hey my mom is in Atlanta and I cant understand what this has got to do with her!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

SAVE the Doc!!!

Police Dept? My computer is asking me if I want to Save Doc1. I don't know where the doc is but I would not like him to die. Save him please!!!

Where's the Caps KEY for the Caps lock?

How do I unlock Caps for the Caps lock that is there on the keyboard? Is there any Caps key that I am supposed to get with the computer?

String it up please!

"Can't find requested string" - either it has gone nuts or it's something that my cat tabby asked - how do I find the string now?

Home takes me nowhere!

Tech Support? I need a replacement for my computer. Why? I keep pressing the Home button but the computer does not get me home...that's why.

Replace my lazy computer!

Computer Store? I want a replacement for my computer. It is very lazy. Why? It says Delayed Write Failed. Can't it write on time for God's sake?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The dog ate my assignment...again!

Yes Miss Jones, the dog ate my assignment. Oh boy! It's been ages since I said that n still no one believes that one!

Monday, November 14, 2005

My computer is acting truant at school

I'm just calling to check if my computer has been acting truant. A message says class not registered. Where does it study - high school, college, any idea?

My computer is running away all the time!

It seems like my computer's just came in after a jog or something. It says runtime error has occured. Should I tie it up just like rover maybe?

Friday, November 11, 2005

My computer cant see!

Tech Support? This is now frustrating. I have dumped my disks on my driveway and it still says there is no disk in the drive. Does it need glasses maybe?

Psychic Computer?

My computer is having some strange says "Mouse error on boot" and I am just wearing sneakers today. Is it a psychic too?

Police...someone's harming a Drive

Police Department? My computer says "Setup was unable to format the drive" and I called to inform of that crime and hope all roads are ok.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Where's the Turkey?

Are you sure turkeys are not eaten by computers? My turkey is missing and I know the computer has a ram and some chips wondering...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Mine is a military computer

Tech Support? Did you get me this computer from the military. Why? It says Error Launching installation or something. Hope nobody gets killed!

Any Coldfix?

Do you have any ColdFix? Nothing like that? But you had a Hotfix. This time the sun is not around and the room gets really cold with the full moon...C'mon check for CoolFix, FreezeFix whatever!

Prankster computer!

This computer trying to pull a prank on me. It sasy Press DEL to enter Setup and I know DEL is used to clear off stuff...can you send me a nice computer?

Where are my slaves?

I didnt ask for a royal computer. what's the problem? It says - Primary Slave not detected, Secondary slave not detected. The nerve!!!

This ones a dumb computer!

This doesnt seem to be a very bright computer. What happenned? It says "Unknown hard error". It hasnt comes across any easy ones to solve yet.

Oh User Thou art Royalty!

An error is an error but I really like it when it treats me like a King - An error occurred while processing this directive. Should I give it some decrees now?

Web page is feeling cold

Do websites feel cold? It says the web page you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you think this has something to do with the winter here?

Friday, November 04, 2005

There aint no Trojan computers!

I may be a newbie when it comes to computers but I dont buy this Trojan virus excuse I am sure neither Troy nor the Greeks had computers those days!

Dont you dare punture me!

This business of connecting all the devices is insane - my ass is already sore from this and I'm gonna blue screen the first chance I get!

Dont let it crash - Tie it up somewhere

Did my computer crash? The screen is blinking and it does not respond to any clicks. Do computers fall down and crash on their own? I need to tie this up!

What page are you reading?

Error on Page? What page are you talking about? I haven't seen you reading any books to find the error in the first place. Admit you don't know it.

Who wants to play ball?

What's the problem now? The store said you can play games with your computer. Let's play ball!